Thursday, January 18, 2007

Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder

Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” – This means beauty is how you see it. That is, there are varying standards for beauty and what is acceptable to one person as being beautiful might be unacceptable to another. We’ve seen enough of that in the previous post.
Beauty being in the eye of the beholder is a matter of differences in taste. I will define it as an attempt to dismiss the disagreement in the differences in our tastes and preferences

On the other hand, looking at it critically, Is there really no standard for beauty and ugliness? Do we not want others to be agreeable of our judgment of beauty?
Each individual has got peculiar preferences and tastes but they are based upon one ideal and are only modifications of this. This means that there is a standard from which everyone generates their standards from.
The judgment for beauty is clearly an emotional issue and that is why the argument usually ends up with the maxim – “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. If beauty is as subjective as we all perceive it to be, then the question is – Is there anything as beauty and if there is, what is beauty?
Can one call something beautiful, if he pleases merely himself alone?

Many things may have charm, attraction and agreeableness to a person, but should it be called beautiful if it pleases him alone? If it’s called beautiful, then one must expect the same satisfaction from others.


Anonymous said...

"Opinions are personal, facts are sacred". Beauty, in (or not)the eye of the beholder...
'cos i say 'tis beautiful does not mean the other fellow sees it as such.
But, in my observations, i've realised that if i see one as beautiful and treat same as such; my friends (& people who see us together) will see same through my eyes. They'll eventually, also, see the person in question as beautiful.

Ajike said...

Timi, you are right. Is the way you perceive and treat someone that is more than likely the way others will.
Nice post girl :)

Anonymous said...

beauty is clearly in the eye of the beholder, as long as what u see matches the definition of beauty as an english word, it doesnt matter if i dont see it, to u it is beauty.

d definition of beauty is regardless of the number of people that agrees with it.

i dont agree that the judgement is always emotional , most times it is definitive.

Anonymous said...

A female chimp is beautiful to a male chimp. Thats why the chasing goes on.
A lady considered as ugly (wowo) will still find a guy who says the sun shines from the back of her head. That is, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and also skin deep.
true beauty has no root in hte skin.
Beauty is vain and charm is deceptive..... Therefore, watch out.

The one i consider beautiful is the one that brings out hte best in you.
Remain beautiful!

Oluwayemisi Adedayo said...

so i guess the general consensus is that beauty is what you call it. But somehow i still like to think that though beauty is personal but there are still general standards for beauty.
I quite agree with Segun - "the one who is beautiful is the one that brings the best in others".

Anonymous said...

"Many things may have charm, attraction and agreeableness to a person, but should it be called beautiful if it pleases him alone? If it’s called beautiful, then one must expect the same satisfaction from others."

Doesn't love contradict this? I'm sure there cases where someone loves a person and find them beautiful even if no one else does.

Anonymous said...

I do not believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder because only you yourself can judge how beautiful you are. its your own self image that defines your beauty. Outsiders can merely give their opinions about you but if you know what and who you are, no can make u think the other way. at the end of the day you have to know for yourself how pretty you are, inside out! especially with young girls these days its a huge problem. They let beauty define by what they see on TV or in magazines. We must guide them by making sure they realize that no one is in state to define beauty. That beauty is a combination of a lot of things inside out and that a person becomes more beautiful each day by the experiences she has and the love she gives and gets in return.

I really hope that one day all people all around the world have the power and courage to rise above hate.

do something nice to someone today even if its giving a compliment about a small thing:)